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Combinația perfectă de toamnă Răzvan Idicel

Jan 21, 2021

The perfect fall combination

I strongly believe that we achieve more when we work with each other and with nature.  That's why we've joined force...
RZVAN începe un nou capitol Răzvan Idicel

Jan 21, 2021

RAZVAN begins a new chapter

I am very happy to bring you news! We are launching new varieties of jam and jam in larger jars. All in a new design...
De Moș Nicolae, Prăvălia Idicel trimite o ciocolată cadou cuiva drag ție Răzvan Idicel

Jan 21, 2021

By Moș Nicolae, Prăvălia Idicel sends a chocolate as a gift to someone dear to you

This year the normal, plans and habits have been turned upside down. I stayed at home more, away from my loved o...
Crăciunul acasă, în siguranță Răzvan Idicel

Jan 21, 2021

Christmas at home, safe

This year we realized more than ever what caring means for us and for others. We are here if you want to make a plea...
Razvan la Pravalia Idicel

Feb 28, 2019

The story of the shop

HOW IDICEL WAS BORN Let it be 7 springs since I arrived in the Idicel-Forest, Cupid's arrow stuck well, in my heart....

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