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Răzvan apricot jam 380g

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Made in a cauldron over a wood fire

Discover the authentic taste of traditionally made jam, cooked on a wood fire and without preservatives. This jam is made with 70% whole fruit, and sugar is used in a small amount, so that you can enjoy the natural and authentic taste of the fruit.

You can be sure that this jam is prepared with great care and attention, without the use of additives or other artificial ingredients. The whole and fresh fruits are carefully selected and cooked in a cauldron, over a wood fire, as it was done in the old days. This preparation process makes the aroma and taste special and unmistakable.

The delicious and authentic taste of this jam is ideal for breakfast or to be used for dessert, along with vanilla ice cream or as a topping for a cake. In addition, due to the high content of fruits, you will be able to benefit from their beneficial properties, so that you can enjoy not only excellent taste, but also enjoy the health benefits.

To enjoy the authentic taste of this jam, order now and enjoy the taste of fresh and special fruits, cooked in a traditional way. Whether you use it for breakfast or for dessert, you will be delighted by the aroma and unmistakable taste that this jam offers.

sugar 30%

Method of preparation: In the month of Cuptor, when the apricots are ripe, we go to the orchard in Neamţ and pick them carefully. We bring them to Idicel Padure, wash them, remove the seeds and put them in a cauldron with only sugar. We adjust the fire and let them boil well in their own juice until we get the sweetness that delights the taste of Romanians. Then we put the jam in ready-sterilized jars and send it to the city, to be used.

No dyes, no additives, no preservatives.

Vegan, fasting product.

Pasteurized product. Store in a dry and cool place, away from frost, heat and sunlight. After opening, store in the refrigerator and consume within a maximum of 7 days.

Order now and enjoy the traditional fruit taste!


Reviews (97)

Dulceața lu' Răzvan

Dulceața este primul produs preparat de mine la Idicel, împreuna cu tanti Veronica. Am cules toate fructele din zonă și am început să le fierbem la ceaunul din curte. Așa s-a născut Dulceața lu' Răzvan. La gura ceaunului pe foc de lemne, la o vorbă bună și planuri pentru viitor.

Despre dulceață

Pentru gusturi ceva mai clasice, ia o felie de pâine de casă, întinde dulceața din colț în colț. Treci un pic și peste degete, nu te sfii. Mușcă cu poftă și lasă aromele fructelor gătite la ceaun pe foc de lemne să te trezească.

Nu ți-e poftă de dulceață?

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