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Ziua lui tanti Veronica Răzvan Idicel

Aunt Veronica's day

Yesterday was a special day, I celebrated Aunt Veronica, my man of hope who changed my life and probably hers too. It's a story about destiny and patience.

Like me, Aunt Veronica is not from Idicel Pădure, she is from Bicaz Chei, as she always likes to say, brought to idyllic lands by her love at first sight, nea Viorel. A tough man who "kidnapped" her one night and brought her to Idicel Wood. 

She always wanted to have a job, but life kept her around the household and at the sewing machine, where she made a living until she was 53, when as as you know one day on May 1st we came down from a hill and arrived at her house and from there our lives changed.

Tanti Veronica believed in my dream of doing something good and joined me in the idea, with the thought that she would make the village famous and the ambition to do something unusual, but usual for a hardworking housewife like her . This year marks nine years since every day she is totally dedicated to the activity at the factory in Idicel, she comes in the first morning and leaves the last in the evening, she puts her whole soul there! She is strict with her colleagues, fierce, but she is a born leader who now runs the factory and I am very grateful for her involvement, she is amazing! 

As we were always talking about destiny at the beginning, all our work led me to meet my wife in Bucharest and somehow "abduct" her from the life she had in the capital and move to Idicel Forest, let's be neighbors with Aunt Veronica and nea Viorel. And in the cold winter evenings to warm us and make our lives more beautiful with a glass of cherry and some pancakes.

We are glad that we were able to celebrate his 62nd birthday together and we wish him many years to come, keep up the good work!

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